محمد عاطف

طاقم الإدارة

الشعر بشكل عام كلمات جميلة مكونة من جمل ، ، على قافية ووزن واحد ، والشعر يتكون في الغالب من أبيات ، والشعر يدل على كلمات تحمل معاني كثيرة وأغراض مختلفة ، وحديثنا اليوم لن يكون حول الشعر المعتاد ، والشعر العربي ، ويا له من شعر جميل لا يختلف في هذين الأمرين ، ولكن في هذا الشأن سيكون الأمر مختلفًا بعض الشيء ، لذا تابع معنا.

يسعدنا متابعينا الكرام أن نقدم لكم اليوم أشعار حب إنجليزية . هذا الموضوع الجميل الذي نتمنى أن يحبه ويوافق عليه جميع متابعينا الكرام.


“Don't pretend to be what you're not, instead, pretend to what you want to be, it is not pretence, it is a journey to self realization.”
― Michael Bassey Johnson
“To be noticed is to be loved.”
“If you are happy for a day, a thousand people notice it, but when you are sad for years, everyone just walks away.”


“Words never mean a thing if you don't know the lack of them,
or sounds,
or laughter,
and it's the small moments of silence I value the most.”



“Anger arises,
Notice it, breathe in, breathe out,
Anger falls away

Worry arises,
Notice it, breathe in, breathe out,
Worry falls away

As peace arises,
Notice it, breathe in, breathe out,
Peace too falls away”


“I notice simple things. The way your hands hold the book you are reading, expressions of your face and eagerness in your eyes while you watch the sunset.”
― Nitya Prakash


“Big things are often just small things that are noticed. - Ed Kennedy”


“If you believe that nobody is noticing you in the society, it means that you forgot the cats!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan


“She takes no notice of him; she seems to know nothing but the morning.”


“Have you noticed that the world is made up of people who never get noticed? However, without them, those who do get noticed would never be noticed. They would become people who would never be noticed.
I hope you take notice of this.”


“Sometimes you just need to distance yourself from people. If they care, they'll notice. If they don't, you know where you stand.”
― Nitya Prakash


“Interesting is the enemy of the uninteresting! When these two come together, no one will notice the latter!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan


“The damnable thing about Damerell, thought Zacharias, was that he never failed to observe precisely what you would conceal.”


“Interesting is the enemy of the non-interesting! When these two come together, no one will notice the latter!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan


“Love with the mind collapses, without notice.”
― Ehsan Sehgal


“I fall in love whenever I notice the beauties. Is it fair or it proves unfair, and selfishness?”
― Ehsan Sehgal


“I must have been grown up. So I didn't notice.”


“Nature happens, but sometimes, if you're not told just how special it is, you take it for granted. The same can be true with people.”
― Julieanne O'Connor


“Time tends to pass you by more quickly when you take no notice of it, my dear. In that, it's remarkably similar to most women I know.”


“As the art of life is learned, it will be found at last that all lovely things are also necessary: - the wild flower by the wayside, as well as the tended corn; and the wild birds and creatures of the forest, as well as the tended cattle; because man doth not live by bread only, but also by the desert manna; by every wondrous word and unknowable work of God”


“Observe the people and you will notice many abnormal personalities in modern corporate controlled society.”
― Steven Magee


“Misha noticed the change in her immediately and he felt selfishly proud of being the cause of it.”


“We keep seeing certain things all our life, yet seldom do we notice them!”
― Avijeet Das


“Love with the mind collapses without notice.”
― Ehsan Sehgal


“Lies include:
-I'm ok
-Just go, I want to be alone
-I've been through worse, please
-Takes more than that to hurt me
-Whatever, I stopped listening
-Don't worry, I didn't even notice”
― Nitya Prakash


“We keep searching for things all our life, yet seldom do we notice them!”
― Avijeet Das


“We are always whirling in the trance of deficiency in which we equate being alone with loneliness, restraint with deprivation, being silent with being empty. I get seduced by the promise of adding yet another ornament to the tree of myself and forget to pay attention to the heavenly invisibles.”


“I've been screaming between these words. did you notice?”
― Nitya Prakash


“Notice how you always run away from the present moment.”
― Robert Celner


“What you do with your attention is in the end what you do with your life.”
― John Green


المواضيع المشابهة

الوسوم الوسوم
اشعار حب انجليزي