بجر الطفولة
قصص الانبياء
قصة سيدنا نوح عليه السلام
The story of Noah, peace be upon him
كان هناك خمسة رجال صالحين هم : ود ، سواع ، يغوث ، يعوق ونسر
لما ماتوا وسوس الشيطان للناس وقال : اصنعوا تماثيل لهولاء الصالحين لكي تتذكروهم
مات الاجداد واتى الاحفاد ولم يكونوا عارفين ما هذه التماثيل فوسوس لهم الشيطان وقال لهم : انها الهه ابائكم والهتكم فاعبدوها
نشأ سيدنا نوح عليه السلام نشأة صالحة وتعجب من قومه الذين يصنعون التماثيل ثم يعبدونها وكان نوح عليه السلام صادقا طاهر القلب
سليم الفطرة فأوحى الله اليه ليدعو قومه الى عبادة الله وحده وترك عبادة الاصنام
بدأ سيدنا نوح عليه السلام دعوته لقومه فآمن به بعض الناس من الفقراء والضعفاء فعاب عليه قومه وقالوا : انه لا يتعبك الا الفقراء والضعفاء اطردهم حتى نؤمن بك
فرفض سيدنا نوح طردهم
طالت دعوة سيدنا نوح عليه السلام في قومه واستخدم معهم وسائل كثيرة لاقناعهم بترك عبادة الاصنام
فكان يذهب اليهم في مجالسهم فيدعوهم علانيه ثم يأتيهم فيدعوهم سرا
وكان يخوفهم من عذاب الله وعقابه ويحفزهم في ثوابه في الدنيا والاخره
لكنهم كانوا لا يستجبيون لدعوته وكانوا يسدون آذانهم بأصابعهم حتى لا يسمعوا كلامه ودعوته
ظل سيدنا نوح عليه السلام يدعو قومه تسعمائه وخمسين عاما فلم يؤمن به الا القليل فحزن حزنا شديدا ودعا الله ان يهلك القوم الكافرين لانهم يدعون الناس الى الكفر ولا يلدوا الا كفارا مثلهم فاستجاب الله دعاءه
واوحى اليه انه سوف يغرق الكافرين وامره بصنع سفينه
بدأ نوح عليه السلام في صنع السفينة وكان الكافرون كلما مروا به ضحكوا عليه وسخروا منه وقالوا له : اين ستسير السفينة يانوح ؟ استسير في الصحراء
لم يتأثر سيدنا نوح عليه السلام بسخرية الكفار منه وظل يعمل حتى انتهى من صنع السفينة
ثم أخبر المؤمنين ان يصعدوا فيها فصعدوا وحمل معه فيها من كل طير وحيوان ذكر وانثي
وفجأ انفجرت المياه من باطن الارض ونزلت من السماء ورأي سيدنا نوح ابنه يغرق وقد كان لم يؤمن بالله ويصعد الى السفينة قبل ان يغرق لكنه لم يستجب وقال لا سوف اصعد الى جبل عال فرد عليه نوح عليه السلام لا شيء ينجي من أمر الله
ارتفع الماء واغرق كل من في الارض وجاء امر الله الى السماء ان تمتنع عن المطر والى الارض ان تبتلع الماء
هبط سيدنا نوح عليه السلام ومن معه من السفينة
واطلق سراح الحيوانات والطيور وعادت الحياة على الارض هادئه مطمئنة وعبد الموحدون ربهم بسلام
لكن الشيطان لن يصمت وهل يترك المؤمنين يعيشون في امان ليدخلوا الجنة بسلام ؟!
prophets' stories
The story of Noah, peace be upon him
There were five good men: wad, sawaa, aghout, obstruction and eagle
When they died, Satan whispered to people and said: Make statues of these righteous ones so that you may remember them
Grandparents died, grandchildren came, and they did not know what these statues were, Satan whispered to them and said to them: They are the gods of your fathers and your gods, so serve them
Our master Noah, peace be upon him, grew up a good upbringing and admired his people who made the statues and then worshiped them. Noah, peace be upon him, was honest and pure in heart.
Salim al-Fitrah, so God inspired him to call on his people to worship God alone and leave idol worship
Our master Noah, peace be upon him, started his call to his people, so some of the poor and weak people believed in him, so his people blamed him and said: He will not tire you but the poor and the weak.
Our master Noah refused to expel them
The call of our master Noah, peace be upon him, was prolonged in his people, and he used many methods with them to persuade them to abandon idolatry
He used to go to them in their councils, invite them openly, then come to them, and invite them secretly
He was afraid of God's punishment and punishment and motivated them in his reward in this world and the hereafter
But they were not answering his call and they were blocking their ears with their fingers so that they could not hear his words and his call
Our master Noah, peace be upon him, prayed for his five hundred years of people, and he believed little in it, and he was deeply saddened, and he called on God to destroy the disbelieving people because they call people to unbelief and do not give birth except to unbelievers like them, so God answered his prayers.
He suggested that he would drown the unbelievers and commanded him to make his ship
Noah, peace be upon him, began to make the ship, and the infidels went over every time they laughed at him and laughed at him and said to him: Where will the ship go? Stay in the desert
Noah, peace be upon him, was not affected by the ridicule of the infidels and he worked until he finished making the ship
Then he told the believers to ascend in it and they went up and carried with him in it every bird and animal male and female
Suddenly, the waters exploded from the ground and descended from the sky. Noah saw his son drowning when he did not believe in God and ascends to the ship before he drowned, but he did not respond, and he said: I will not go up to a high mountain, so Noah, peace be upon him, did not save God’s command.
The water rose and drowned everyone on earth. God’s command came to heaven to abstain from rain and to the earth to swallow water
Our master Noah, peace be upon him, landed from the ship
Animals and birds were released, life was resting on the earth, calm and reassuring, and the Almohads worshiped their Lord in peace
But Satan will not be silent, and does he let the believers live in safety in order to enter Paradise in peace ?!
ألمصدر : بحر الطفولة : قصة سيدنا نوح عليه السلام The Story Of Noah, Peace Be Upon Him
قصة سيدنا نوح عليه السلام
The story of Noah, peace be upon him
كان هناك خمسة رجال صالحين هم : ود ، سواع ، يغوث ، يعوق ونسر
لما ماتوا وسوس الشيطان للناس وقال : اصنعوا تماثيل لهولاء الصالحين لكي تتذكروهم
مات الاجداد واتى الاحفاد ولم يكونوا عارفين ما هذه التماثيل فوسوس لهم الشيطان وقال لهم : انها الهه ابائكم والهتكم فاعبدوها
نشأ سيدنا نوح عليه السلام نشأة صالحة وتعجب من قومه الذين يصنعون التماثيل ثم يعبدونها وكان نوح عليه السلام صادقا طاهر القلب
سليم الفطرة فأوحى الله اليه ليدعو قومه الى عبادة الله وحده وترك عبادة الاصنام
بدأ سيدنا نوح عليه السلام دعوته لقومه فآمن به بعض الناس من الفقراء والضعفاء فعاب عليه قومه وقالوا : انه لا يتعبك الا الفقراء والضعفاء اطردهم حتى نؤمن بك
فرفض سيدنا نوح طردهم
طالت دعوة سيدنا نوح عليه السلام في قومه واستخدم معهم وسائل كثيرة لاقناعهم بترك عبادة الاصنام
فكان يذهب اليهم في مجالسهم فيدعوهم علانيه ثم يأتيهم فيدعوهم سرا
وكان يخوفهم من عذاب الله وعقابه ويحفزهم في ثوابه في الدنيا والاخره
لكنهم كانوا لا يستجبيون لدعوته وكانوا يسدون آذانهم بأصابعهم حتى لا يسمعوا كلامه ودعوته
ظل سيدنا نوح عليه السلام يدعو قومه تسعمائه وخمسين عاما فلم يؤمن به الا القليل فحزن حزنا شديدا ودعا الله ان يهلك القوم الكافرين لانهم يدعون الناس الى الكفر ولا يلدوا الا كفارا مثلهم فاستجاب الله دعاءه
واوحى اليه انه سوف يغرق الكافرين وامره بصنع سفينه
بدأ نوح عليه السلام في صنع السفينة وكان الكافرون كلما مروا به ضحكوا عليه وسخروا منه وقالوا له : اين ستسير السفينة يانوح ؟ استسير في الصحراء
لم يتأثر سيدنا نوح عليه السلام بسخرية الكفار منه وظل يعمل حتى انتهى من صنع السفينة
ثم أخبر المؤمنين ان يصعدوا فيها فصعدوا وحمل معه فيها من كل طير وحيوان ذكر وانثي
وفجأ انفجرت المياه من باطن الارض ونزلت من السماء ورأي سيدنا نوح ابنه يغرق وقد كان لم يؤمن بالله ويصعد الى السفينة قبل ان يغرق لكنه لم يستجب وقال لا سوف اصعد الى جبل عال فرد عليه نوح عليه السلام لا شيء ينجي من أمر الله
ارتفع الماء واغرق كل من في الارض وجاء امر الله الى السماء ان تمتنع عن المطر والى الارض ان تبتلع الماء
هبط سيدنا نوح عليه السلام ومن معه من السفينة
واطلق سراح الحيوانات والطيور وعادت الحياة على الارض هادئه مطمئنة وعبد الموحدون ربهم بسلام
لكن الشيطان لن يصمت وهل يترك المؤمنين يعيشون في امان ليدخلوا الجنة بسلام ؟!
prophets' stories
The story of Noah, peace be upon him
There were five good men: wad, sawaa, aghout, obstruction and eagle
When they died, Satan whispered to people and said: Make statues of these righteous ones so that you may remember them
Grandparents died, grandchildren came, and they did not know what these statues were, Satan whispered to them and said to them: They are the gods of your fathers and your gods, so serve them
Our master Noah, peace be upon him, grew up a good upbringing and admired his people who made the statues and then worshiped them. Noah, peace be upon him, was honest and pure in heart.
Salim al-Fitrah, so God inspired him to call on his people to worship God alone and leave idol worship
Our master Noah, peace be upon him, started his call to his people, so some of the poor and weak people believed in him, so his people blamed him and said: He will not tire you but the poor and the weak.
Our master Noah refused to expel them
The call of our master Noah, peace be upon him, was prolonged in his people, and he used many methods with them to persuade them to abandon idolatry
He used to go to them in their councils, invite them openly, then come to them, and invite them secretly
He was afraid of God's punishment and punishment and motivated them in his reward in this world and the hereafter
But they were not answering his call and they were blocking their ears with their fingers so that they could not hear his words and his call
Our master Noah, peace be upon him, prayed for his five hundred years of people, and he believed little in it, and he was deeply saddened, and he called on God to destroy the disbelieving people because they call people to unbelief and do not give birth except to unbelievers like them, so God answered his prayers.
He suggested that he would drown the unbelievers and commanded him to make his ship
Noah, peace be upon him, began to make the ship, and the infidels went over every time they laughed at him and laughed at him and said to him: Where will the ship go? Stay in the desert
Noah, peace be upon him, was not affected by the ridicule of the infidels and he worked until he finished making the ship
Then he told the believers to ascend in it and they went up and carried with him in it every bird and animal male and female
Suddenly, the waters exploded from the ground and descended from the sky. Noah saw his son drowning when he did not believe in God and ascends to the ship before he drowned, but he did not respond, and he said: I will not go up to a high mountain, so Noah, peace be upon him, did not save God’s command.
The water rose and drowned everyone on earth. God’s command came to heaven to abstain from rain and to the earth to swallow water
Our master Noah, peace be upon him, landed from the ship
Animals and birds were released, life was resting on the earth, calm and reassuring, and the Almohads worshiped their Lord in peace
But Satan will not be silent, and does he let the believers live in safety in order to enter Paradise in peace ?!
ألمصدر : بحر الطفولة : قصة سيدنا نوح عليه السلام The Story Of Noah, Peace Be Upon Him